Understanding Neighborhood Effects in Chronic Illness Disparities

Welcome to a project from the School of Information at the University of Michigan

This research project investigates the role and potential of social media sites (such as Twitter) to inform important public health and health care decisions. It is well known that different communities have different health behaviors and health outcomes. However, we lack current and detailed information about community health. In this study, we ask the question: what can social media teach us about health behaviors and attitudes in communities?

By completing the online survey, you can help to develop new information sources about community health. Policy makers, public health officials and healthcare systems can use this information design and develop programs to improve community health. This work cannot be done without input from people who use social media sites like Twitter.

If you were invited to take the survey by a member our study team you can take the survey here.

If you would like to know more about the project, you can learn about the project team here, read further technical details about the project here, read our published research, and keep up with the latest project news.

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